Team of doctors

When you refer a patient to Healogics, you don’t lose your patient.

Instead, you gain a powerful support team that can help heal your patients’ wounds so that you can focus on treating their primary disease states. We add our specialized wound care knowledge and experience to the patient care team, and together, we can deliver your patient to a state of much improved health.

Give your patients access to advanced wound care modalities with Healogics.

Using Clinical Practice Guidelines, we are able to understand what is preventing the wound from healing. Due to the severity of the wound or its resistance to standard care, we may elect to use an advanced modality, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative pressure wound treatment, cellular and tissue-based products, or total contact casting.


Healogics at a Glance

With over 20 years of experience, our mission is to advance wound healing by creating and sharing our wound expertise, everywhere we can, for every patient who would benefit, by the best means available.

Over 20+
years treating wounds

Healogics has been treating patients with chronic wounds for over 20 years.

Over 4M
wounds healed

In total, over the past 20 years, Healogics has helped to heal nearly 4M wounds.

wound care centers

We have more than 600 Wound Care Centers that provide a wide variety of outpatient treatment techniques.

patients treated annually

Each year, we treat more than 300,000 patient admissions through the Healogics network.