Understanding Diabetic Neuropathy and Foot Ulcers

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At Healogics, our mission to FIND. TREAT. HEAL.® is rooted in compassion and is the foundation of our commitment to the communities we serve. We recognize the challenges of living with diabetes, particularly with complications like neuropathy and foot ulcers, which can significantly impact your quality of life. We are here to help you understand complications like diabetic neuropathy that can cause chronic wounds and foot ulcers.  

What Causes Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes that we often see in our patients. It occurs when high blood sugar levels damage blood vessels, reducing their ability to deliver blood to nerves. This leads to nerve damage, typically affecting the lower legs, feet, and toes. 

We know it can be concerning to experience a loss of sensation or feeling in your feet. Without the protective feeling of pain, even a small wound might go unnoticed. That’s why we emphasize the importance of regular foot checks – even the smallest wound could develop into a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) if left untreated. 

Understanding Diabetic Foot Ulcers 

A diabetic foot ulcer is a wound that we commonly see on the ball of the foot or toes of our patients who have diabetes. These ulcers often begin as calluses, which tend to occur more frequently and build up faster on diabetic feet due to high-pressure areas under the foot.   

If you notice that calluses are forming on your feet, it might be a sign that you need therapeutic shoes and inserts. It’s important to manage calluses because if left untrimmed, they can become very thick, break down, and eventually form diabetic foot ulcers.  

If left untreated, these ulcers can grow larger and deeper— another complication of damaged blood vessels and poor circulation. When oxygen-rich blood doesn’t reach the wound, it can’t heal properly. This can lead to infection, hospitalization, and, in severe cases, amputation. That’s why education, prevention, and early intervention are so important

We have prepared this patient-education download to help you learn the steps to prevent diabetic foot ulcers.  

Recognizing Neuropathy Symptoms 

We often hear from our patients about symptoms like tingling, weakness, and numbness in their feet, which can be signs of neuropathy. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, we want you to know that we can help. Our caring healthcare providers use a simple, painless test to diagnose neuropathy, which can be done at any of our Wound Care Centers.® We gently tap nerves on your feet and legs with a thin plastic wire to determine the severity of any nerve damage. 

While neuropathy can’t be cured, we can work together to prevent further damage. We’ll guide you on improving circulation and teach you how to check for potential wounds every day. 

The Importance of Early Intervention

At Healogics, we’re dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of screening and early intervention. Did you know that non-healing diabetic foot ulcers account for up to 85% of diabetes-related amputations? That’s why we’re here to help you take proactive steps in your foot care.

Don’t let concerns about foot ulcers or neuropathy hold you back from the activities you love. Take the first step towards better health today – reach out to your nearest Healogics Wound Care Center® for a consultation—no referral needed! Click here to find a location near you!